Lesson 29 – What is Google AdSense and How to Earn Money through Google AdSense
Welcome to the 29th lesson, What is Google Adsense and How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense! In Today’s lesson, we are going to learn about Google Adsense and scope to earn money through Google Adsense in Digital Marketing. And this Lesson is a very important part of Digital Marketing Course as it is directly associated with earning money online. So let’s start learning by watching this video.
Google Adsense is a tool designed by Google which provides premium quality service to the consumer free of cost. We all who are active in the online world on the internet know money can be earned through Google Adsense. But a lot of criteria of Google are there which have to know before planning about earning through Google Adsense. This video lesson particularly described what is Google Adsense and how to earn money through Google Adsense? In our Upcoming future lesson, we will cover, How to Optimise a website on Mobile Devices, So follow our next Lesson as well to become an expert in Digital Marketing Field.
The lesson includes in this video is mentioned below:-
What is Google Adsense?
What are platforms where Google Adsense can be Activated?
How to earn Money through Google Adsense?
How to Apply for Google Adsense?
How much can be earned through Google Adsense?