Lesson 8 – How to Use Shape Tool in Adobe After Effects
Welcome to the 8th Lesson, How to use Shape Tool in Adobe After Effects! In our today’s lesson, we are going to learn about Shape tool & its use in Adobe After Effect software. And this lesson is a very important part of Video Editing Course. So Let’s Start learning by watching this video.
Shape tool its name itself define about its purpose. Shapes are drawn in after-effect software with the help of the shape tool. In Adobe After Effects software, there are five different kinds of shapes like star, ellipse, polygon, rectangle shape as well as a rounded rectangle. Now the best part about after effects software is when a shape is drawn in the composition layer the shape directly can be visualized in the interface. Even though stroke and other editing parts can be added as well. In our Upcoming next lesson, we will cover How to use text tool in after effects, So follow our next lesson as well to know more about After Effect Software.
The lesson includes in this video is mentioned below:-
What is the role of Shape tool in Adobe After Effects?
How to shape tool automatically do masking?
What is pan behind tool?
How to add keyframe on rotation?
What are the two settings of shape tool?