Lesson 16 – How to Hold Keyframes in Adobe After Effects
Welcome to the 16th Lesson, How to Hold Keyframes in Adobe After Effects! In our today’s lesson, we are going to learn about keyframes mainly & its holding process in Adobe After Effect software. And this lesson is a very important part of Video Editing Course as keyframes help to create different kind of animation and that can improve the quality of video. So Let’s Start learning by watching this video.
Before knowing about the holding process of keyframes let us start from scratch like what are keyframes? Basically, it can be said that keyframes work like a marker inside the interface of the software to indicate particle count, color, or sometimes position, opacity, or even though scale & rotation purpose as well. And the best part of these markers known as keyframes is that you can create an engaging animation by these keyframes simply just by changing the setting and value. In our Upcoming next lesson, we will cover How to use Trim path on text in Adobe After Effects, So follow our next lesson as well to know more about After Effect Software.
The lesson includes in this video is mentioned below:-
What are Keyframes in Adobe After Effects?
How to hold keyframes in Adobe After Effects?
How to add keyframe on position?
What is Toggle hold keyframe?
How to add keyframe on scale?