Lesson 25 – What is Lifetime Value [LTV] in Business
Welcome to the 25th Lesson, Lifetime Value [LTV] in Business! In today’s lesson, we are going to learn about Acquired Customers Lifetime Value And this Chapter is come under Business Startup & Development Course. Let’s Start knowing by watching this video.
Acquired customer works as a passive income in any business because when a customer becomes loyal customer repurchasing takes place a number of times and it will help in recurring revenue. This video discussed how to utilize the Lifetime value means LTV of the acquired customers. Lifetime value or LTV is a term associated with business development and to know in deep about it and to implement it in business learn from our research deeply. In our future lessons, we will cover What is Cost of Customer Acquisition [COCA], So be a part of our next lesson as well to know About COCA.
The lesson includes in this video is mentioned below:-
What is Lifetime Value (LTV)?
How to utilize Acquired Customer’s Lifetime Value?
What is COCA?
What are the types of Customer Revenue Streams?
Benefits of Lifetime Value (LTV).